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MOOSE JAW, Sask. Cheap Michael Kors . - Logan Nelson and Jack Walker scored shootout goals and Patrik Polivka made 31 saves through overtime to lift the Victoria Royals over the Moose Jaw Warriors 4-3 in Western Hockey League action on Monday. Joe Hicketts had a goal and an assist, and Austin Carroll and Axel Blomqvist also scored in regulation for Victoria (41-16-4). Travis Brown picked up two assists. Jesse Forsberg scored one goal and assisted on another for Moose Jaw (15-34-9), while Jack Rodewald and Tanner Eberle rounded out the Warriors offence. Brayden Point chipped in with assists on all three goals. Moose Jaw goalie Zach Sawchenko stopped 29 of 32 shots in defeat. --- PATS 4 WHEAT KINGS 0 REGINA — Dyson Stevenson scored two goals and helped on another, and Daniel Wapple made 23 saves as the Pats blanked the Wheat Kings. Morgan Klimchuk had a goal and an assist and Carter Hansen also scored for Regina (31-22-6). Jordan Papirny stopped 35 of 39 shots for Brandon (28-24-8), which is winless in its last six games. The Pats were 1 for 8 on the power play while the Wheat Kings failed to score on five opportunities with the man advantage. --- RAIDERS 3 BRONCOS 1 SWIFT CURRENT, Sask. — Nick McBride made 31 saves and the Raiders scored two power-play goals to edge the Broncos. Graeme Craig and Leon Draisaitl scored with the man advantage and Collin Valcourt added an even-strength goal for Prince Albert (27-28-4). Draisaitl also picked up an assist for a two-point game. Julius Honka scored the lone goal for Swift Current (29-23-8), on a power play in the third period. Eetu Laurikainen made 24 saves in the losing effort. --- OIL KINGS 12 HURRICANES 0 EDMONTON — Mitchell Moroz scored two goals and assisted on three mote, and Tristan Jarry stopped 25 shots as the Oil Kings dominated the Hurricanes. Henrik Samuelsson had two goals and two assists, Brett Pollock and Curtis Lazar had two goals and one assist apiece, Reid Petryk scored once and assisted on four goals, Edgars Kulda had a goal and an assist, and Ashton Sautner and Mads Eller also scored for Edmonton (41-14-2). Teagan Sacher started in net for Lethbridge (12-44-5), but was pulled after giving up six goals on 20 shots through just under 31 minutes. Jonny Hogue stopped 27 of 33 shots in relief. The Oil Kings outshot the Hurricanes 53-25 and were 6 for 11 on the power play. Lethbridge racked up 58 penalty minutes on 19 infractions. --- HITMEN 7 REBELS 1 CALGARY — Brady Brassart scored a hat trick, and Adam Tambellini had a goal and three assists as the Hitmen toppled the Rebels for their seventh straight win. Joe Mahon scored twice, Greg Chase had a goal and two assists, and Travis Sanheim contributed with five helpers for Calgary (39-15-6), who was 4 for 8 with the man advantage. Mack Shields made 39 saves. Adam Musil scored the lone goal for Red Deer (28-28-4), which has dropped its last two. Patrik Bartosak started in net for the Rebels but left the game after giving up six goals on 39 shots through 56:44. Taz Burman stopped 2 of 3 shots in relief. Michael Kors Outlet . Coach Jorge Luis Pinto resisted naming any major surprises in the lineup and is using the same core of players who helped Costa Rica to qualify as the top team from the CONCACAF region. Pinto said he was happy to stick with his proven players and valued continuity in the team. Michael Kors Outlet store . - Jeff Maggert admitted his decisive putt on No.I told him the Jays were a desperate bunch, which is cheddar cheese to a puppy dog in devil-speak. I gave him my hard sell. Cmon, buddy. Cmon, Sweet Lu. Our All Star-shortstop Jose Reyes, finally healthy, literally leads off the season by taking his first at bat, popping out, then proceeding to walk off the field and on to the disabled list. Maybe hes out for two weeks, maybe four months, maybe hes taking up painting. The team, left with a defence only Abbott and Costello could love, is even more desperate than when it was just known for jettisoning its best young talent for knuckleballers pushing 40 - he stopped me right there. He smiled deep and wide, his horns dewy with anticipation. He was ready to make a deal.Fine, I said. I will bypass my desires for fame or fortune or a game of wall ball with Lloyd Moseby and put my deal making skills to work for our boys in royal blue. So, fellow fan, you are welcome. Allow me to outline the exact details of how this season is going to go down (as hashed out between me and Mr. Three Prong, Son of Perdition).(Disclaimer: if you are planning to use this remarkably accurate information for gambling, I urge you to keep investing that extra money into lotto scratchers, lest we have a Back To The Future situation on our hands. APRIL (14-13 record, .519)The Jays whimper out of the gate, getting crushed on Opening Day, then lose 7 of 10, doing a bang-on impersonation of the mediocre team we thought they were. Thats when the cauldron bubbles and the thick smoke rolls in and the creepy carnival comes to town. What happens specifically? Maybe the entire Red Sox roster contracts syphilis. Maybe Derek Jeter becomes a clubhouse cancer in his final diva-tirade-filled season. Maybe Camden Yards becomes Marlo Stanfield turf. Maybe Tampa Bay management decides the empty cavern they play in would be better monetized by jai alai tournaments. Listen, I dont ask El Diablo how he gets stuff done, I just sit back and enjoy the results which Im assured come with no consequences. MAY (31-26, .544)Little known fact about devil-dealing: May is Buy One, Get One Free Month! Thats across the board, whether youre looking for life extension or to unravel the happiness of a sworn enemy. Why not do both?Truly, Beelzebub has little to do with the Blue Jay surge of May. The team plays a whopping 18 games at home, and with the city still suffering from an endless winter, the Rogers Centre roof is only opened once all month, a paralyzing condition visiting teams cannot physically handle (the technical term is "depression"). (Sidenote: I apologize for not asking The Crimson Sausage, Enemy Of Christ to improve the weather. The Cable Box on Blue Jay Way is the Bikram Yoga studio of stadiums.*) (*Bikram yoga is also known as hot yoga.**) (**Hot yoga is a thing you do when you are a 22-year-old girl or a thing you do when you are trying to impress a 22-year-old girl).JUNE (48-36, .571)Until mid-June, the league hadnt noticed the Jays ascension to the ranks of the privileged, largely because after twenty years spent ignoring someone, it is perfectly understandable that you might mistakenly walk past them in the hall and fail to notice the shotgun they are holding. But the Jays had now arrived, andd their demands were going to be met, even if Barb in accounting didnt know their goddamn name. Michael Kors Outlet 2016. Josh Thole was gonna make sure you remember.We gotta give props to The Author Of All Sin, because he works the impossible this month. Jose Reyes is back in the lineup in time for his birthday (June 11) and his bobblehead day (June 8 for those fair weather fans planning to attend). To think, how many nasty critics said meaningful baseball would never be played in Toronto again in July?JULY (62-48, .564)With just a paltry nine home games on tap, our Blue Man Group must do their damage on the road, visiting Tampa Bay, New York and Boston. In a month-long celebration of Canada Day, our national baseball representatives do just that, proving Canadians to be fearless and capable. (Flipside: After witnessing the condition of our departing players hotel rooms, it is clear we Canucks may lack some respect for the environment. I believe the players call it, "doing it Harper-style").The All-Star break falls in July, an annual tradition typically partaken by Jose Bautista and a middle reliever nobody knew was on the team. 2014 proves to be no different despite being a dozen games over .500 at the break. Respect will have to be earned. FYI, did you wanna know who wins this years All-Star game, giving their respective League home field advantage in the World Series? Answer: NOBODY. Nobody [expletive] wins with a rule that stupid.AUGUST (79-57, .581)On August 11, Colby Rasmus turns 28. That same day, Melky Cabrera turns 30. The Prince Of Darkness promises me these achievements will be met and hes been totally standup so far.Playing every division rival at home this month, The Descendants of Alfredo Griffin enjoy their greatest month this century, forcing Vegas to recognize them as a team and set World Series odds. They are given 60-1 chances, though in metric it works out to a more sensible 18-1.(For those of you uncomfortable with how fashioned this season is by Oh Wicked One, Im not saying you have to worship the Father Of All Lies, Founder Of Murder. Im just saying, if youre a ball fan, you should probably send him a card. Maybe bath salts. Nothing fancy).SEPTEMBER (93-69, .574)A peculiar month of scheduling down the home stretch. Sensibly, the Jays visit every division rivals park. Oddly, they play the Chicago Cubs for an unknown reason my sources tell me may have involved money and bad judgement.2014 ends in a dog fight -- a climax of tension and emotion and games that are still a little too long -- all in the service of the Jays holding on for their first playoff appearance ever (in the lives of the children whose aging fathers drag them to the games). We did it! Were number 4 or 5!And there you have it: 93 wins. 1 wild card spot. 0 logical discrepancies. Is it getting hot in here?Gallays Poll #5Lets say we dont know what we know. With how many wins doth the Blue Jays finish?A) <70 -- I am familiar with the team. The win total will be commensurate with the talent level.B) 70-81 -- I dont pay much attention to the baseballs but have read a few headlines.C) 82-89 -- I rarely hear about the Jays anymore. Is Kelly Gruber still with the team?D) 90+ -- I dont understand how baseball works. Cheap China Jerseys Cheap NFL Jerseys Cheap NHL Jerseys Cheap Jerseys From China China NFL Jerseys Cheap Jerseys Cheap Jerseys ' ' '
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