
Puna Verzija: Do not miss the new Ray-Ban Rare Prints series
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More than 149 million adults wear eyeglasses. And while one pair of glasses may seem like one too many, often, that's simply not enough.An estimated 50 million Americans carry multiple pairs of specs, since one might be needed for reading, another for working, a third for driving, and yet another for just watching TV."Early Show" contributor Taryn Winter Brill reported it's often caused by a condition called presbyopia.Optometrist Dr. Terri Haberman explained, "Presbyopia is something that occurs to people over age 40. You lose your ability to see up-close, little by little. And then when you hit age 40, you run out of arm."But a new all-in-one technology discount ray bans is emerging. "Superfocus" glasses change the strength of their liquid lenses, enabling you to see different distances by moving a tiny, adjustable lever.
Consumers are looking more and more for products that will help them play/perform better at the activities they love. These products fit perfectly into that trend.PURE glasses by Legacie: Some people always complain about how heavy their glasses are or that they don't fit right. Legacie was determined to come up with a pair of glasses that would be stronger but remain light, so they took this new alloy, Xandium, and made a strong thread that's treaded through the glasses as a frame. It's as close to having lenses floating in space over your head. You hardly even notice them on your ears and face. The frame is super flexible and cheap ray bans Interchangeable glasses: The Columbia Interchangeable concept is that one pair of glasses can be turned into several pairs of glasses simply by changing the "temples." (Columbia isn't using the word frames, but is introducing this new word.) One temple can be straight black that you wear to work, but then you can swap it out for something more colorful. These glasses will run you about $275.Transitions glasses: Transitions have been around for regular glasses and have adjusted their lens by adapting to changes in light. They'd start clear and then end up dark if light intensity increased. SOLFX are the first light-sensitive sunglasses to come to the market. Their level of darkness will actually change depending upon the amount of light they're exposed to. Initially, they're being sold by Callaway and Oakley who usually ray ban sunglasses for women run a couple of hundred bucks a pair. The technology used for Transitions sunwear is the same as the technology used for Transitions everyday photochromic lenses - it's the market that's changed and pointed to a clear opportunity for Transitions. SOLFX is the result of recent consumer trends toward customization of products (they are activity-specific sunwear products) and the growing market for sport-specific performance enhancing products. For example, there are hundreds of running shoes on the market today, when 10-15 years ago the running market was dominated by a few select brands.
Which only leaves the question of why.Pick your forum -- TomDispatch readers at a kegger, Fox news pundits following the Palin bus, high school students preparing to take SATs, unemployed factory workers in a food-stamp line -- and ask if any group ray ban outlet of Americans (not living in official Washington) would conclude that Iraq was our most important foreign policy priority, and so deserving of our largest embassy with the largest staff and largest budget on the planet.Does Iraq threaten U.S. security? Does it control a resource we demand? (Yes, it’s got lots of oil underground, but produces remarkably little of the stuff.) Is Iraq enmeshed in some international coalition we need to butter up? Any evil dictators or WMDs around? Does Iraq hold trillions in U.S. debt? Anything? Anyone? Bueller?
Think of this cheap oakley sunglasses as the Vegas model of foreign policy: keep the suckers at the table throwing good money after bad. Leaving aside the idea that “blood and treasure” sounds like a line from Pirates of the Caribbean, one must ask: What accomplishment are we protecting?The war’s initial aim was to stop those weapons of mass destruction from being used against us. There were none, so check that off the list. Then it was to get rid of Saddam. He was hanged in 2006, so cross off that one. A little late in the game we became preoccupied with ensuring an Iraq that was “free.” And we’ve had a bunch of elections and there is a government of sorts in place to prove it, so that one’s gotta go, too.
Oakley gave the men sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sun when they emerged from the dark. Apple (AAPL) sent them iPods to protect their ears from, er, la cueca, the traditional handkerchief dance performed at every important Chilean occasion. Or something.As such, the miners' "care package" is probably the most effective promotional gift cheap ray bans basket ever devised. Front Row Analytics, a sponsorship evaluation firm, told CNBC that Oakley received in the region of $41 million in equivalent advertising time from the publicity surrounding its $180 glasses.It's a matter of time before some of the miners start new careers as product endorsers, according to BusinessWeek:
For Danny's words to the wise, click here.Owens Corning offers assistance to homeowners facing rising home-heating bills through an online interactive tool called "Home Report." For more information, sit the Owens Corning site.Johns Manville just launched a new Web site for homeowners. It also has insulation advice. To get it, click here.In light of the indictment of 49 people in an alleged scheme that bilked thousands of dollars from a Red Cross fund designated for Hurricane Katrina victims, you may want advice on making ray ban sunglasses outlet sure money you donate to charities gets into the right hands. On Thursday, The Early Show's Tracy Smith spoke with Art Taylor, president and CEO of the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance. For an abundance of advice, click here.
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